Your Teeth Look Mah-vel-lous, Darling!

cosmetic dentistry

In Southern California, you could say we’re pretty cognizant of how we look and try to take care of ourselves. This doesn’t simply apply to our waistlines or sun damage on our skin. It also applies to our smiles.

Many people who come see Dr. Fong have healthy teeth, and don’t have any pressing issues that need attention like decay or gum disease. But they’re not happy with the cosmetic appearance of their smile. They may have uneven teeth, chipped or cracked teeth, badly stained teeth, or wish to change the shape of a tooth or teeth. They want to do something about the aesthetics of their smile. This is cosmetic dentistry, and this is a part of what Dr. Fong offers his patients in Santa Ana and the surrounding areas. The goal with our cosmetic dentistry procedures is to improve the beauty of your smile.

Do I have to wear makeup with cosmetic dentistry?

Although it is not technically a specialty of dentistry, cosmetic dentistry generally refers to any dental work that improves the appearance, but not necessarily the function, of a person’s teeth. At Dr. Fong’s, we use cosmetic dentistry to improve patients’ tooth shape, whiteness, position, alignment, and overall appearance.

These are some of the more common cosmetic procedures we provide:

  • Bonding — Tooth-colored dental resin is used to close gaps, cover badly stained teeth, or cover chips and cracks in teeth.
  • Pinhole gum rejuvenation — Dr. Fong is one of the few dentists in the nation trained in the Pinhole Surgical Technique for treating receding gums.
  • Contouring and reshaping — Dr. Fong subtly changes the shape of a tooth or teeth by removing small amounts of the tooth enamel. This painless procedure makes minor adjustments in the appearance of a tooth.
  • Veneers — Ultra-thin porcelain shells are placed over the front sides of the teeth. Veneers can change the color or shape of the teeth. They can correct unevenly spaced, crooked, chipped, oddly shaped, or badly discolored teeth.
  • Whitening — We offer both in-office and at-home whitening treatments.
  • Invisalign — This method of moving the teeth is basically invisible. Invisalign uses clear plastic aligner trays in lieu of metal bands and wires to move the teeth. 

Why would I be interested in cosmetic dentistry?

If your teeth are healthy enough that they don’t require any particular treatment such as a root canal, filling, or treatment for gum disease, but you’re simply not satisfied with their appearance, your could benefit from a cosmetic procedure such as the application of porcelain veneers.

Interested in improving the look of your smile? Call Dr. Fong at (714) 549-1903 and let’s get to work giving you a perfect smile.

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